claudio montalbano

Claudio Montalbano, after the Art School and the Scenography diploma at the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin, it takes a completely different path from that of comics. Several years later comes into contact with Aurea Editoriale and he begins to work in the world of comics. Montalbano worked two years for Editoriale Aurea drawing 2 stories for the “Special Unit” series and some long and short stories for the weekly Lanciostory.
At the same time, he draws the pencils for an episode of “The Dead” for the Menhir editions. Later he comes into contact with Edizioni Inkiostro and produces 4 stories for the series “La iena” based on screenplays by Luca Blengino and a short story by “Cannibal Family” for the same publisher.
After this experience he comes into contact with Gianmaria Contro who introduces him to Sergio Bonelli Editore with a story of the series “Le Storie” from title “the Reanimator” on the texts of Antonio Costantini.
He is currently drawing a new comic series called “Angel” for the French group Delcourt, specifically he works for Editions Soleil based on texts by screenwriter Christophe Bec.